And the greatest of these is Love ...

And the greatest of these is Love ...
1 Corinthians 13:13

Love Song - Third Day

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Right there ...

Being the mom of one that is tormented by the demons of substance abuse, the judgement of the world is hurtful. Addiction to anything – drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, food, video games, etc etc – is the mind control of the real enemy … Satan … and it’s been around for as long as history has been recorded. 
Look at Judas ... He was a disciple with Jesus and he was a known thief!
Why did he steal? 
He had a walking, talking, living, breathing relationship as one of the hand-picked and chosen disciples of Jesus Christ!! He had the very touch of the messiah, literally, at his fingertips. Nevertheless, something – some addiction to something – made him steal to get what he thought he needed! Imagine that … walking side by side with Jesus and still thinking he needed something more!
I think not … we do it every single day! The very Spirit of the living God is alive IN you and me, yet we seek, search, crave for things that we think we need that He can’t fulfill.
Now, let me say, there are SOME parents fighting their own demons and trying to find their own fix. For those, I pray fervently for healing. 
On the other side, however, you have the parents that are fighting and trying everything within their power to save their child! Yes, doing everything within their power to get the ones busted that their child is getting drugs from. If their child is there at the time the bust unfolds, well, that's OK, too, because I guarantee those parents would rather visit their child behind bars than at the cemetery!

Unless you have dealt with this personally, you cannot fully understand the heartache of the parents of one tormented by the enemies' lies and substance abuse. Truth is, everybody judges right off the bat without knowing the story. That is hurtful and wrong! 


Right there...
At the pre-natal class.
At the parenting class.
Laboring to give birth.
Soothing her crying baby.
Rocking her baby.
Watching her baby sleep.

Right there...
Recording her baby’s milestones.
Child-proofing her house.
Preserving a tiny tooth, a clip of hair.
Strapping her baby in the car seat.

Where Was the Mom?

Right there...
At the open house for school.
At the store buying new shoes.
Reading a bedtime story.
Cooking dinner.
Packing lunch.

Where Was the Mom?

Right there...
Holding a chubby hand.
Walking to the school bus.
At the dinner table.
Helping with homework.
Driving the carpool.
At the Scout meeting.
At the teacher/parent conference.
At the baseball game.
At the dance recital.
In Sunday church.

Where Was the Mom?

Right there...
At the pediatrician.
At the orthodontist.
Driving to the music lesson.
Filling a prescription.
Wiping a runny nose.
Bandaging a scraped knee.

Right there...
Placing her child on Santa’s lap.
Wrapping presents.
Hiding Easter eggs.
Baking a birthday cake.
Lighting candles.

Where Was the Mom?

Right there...
Taking a prom picture.
Ordering a cap and gown.
Touring a college campus.

Where Was the Mom?

Right there...
On the phone with the addiction specialist.
At the NA meeting.
Driving to the treatment center.
At the emergency room.
In the prison waiting room.
At the Psychiatrist.
In personal and family therapy.
Driving up and down the night streets.
In her bedroom, crying.

Where Was the Mom?

Right there...
At the Coroner’s.
At the funeral parlor.
Weeping in a dark room.
Placing flowers on a headstone.
Tracing her child’s name with her fingertips.

Where Was the Mom???