And the greatest of these is Love ...

And the greatest of these is Love ...
1 Corinthians 13:13

Love Song - Third Day

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Research for my future plans ... Do, or Don't ???

Being Valentine's Day ~ the day of LOVE ~ (and contemplating my V-Day and future) I have been doing some research ... Do I ever really WANT to get married again?
Lets' face it, the  mere fact of completely and unconditionally loving someone has not exactly lead me to the "Little White Church" ... In fact, I think it may have done the opposite bc it has made me too forgiving! LOL!
Nevertheless, in my research I looked for Reasons: TO GET MARRIED and TO STAY MARRIED.
While I did not find exactly what I was searching for, I did find some interesting information! Below is what seemed to resonate in every article I read ...

Top Reasons NOT to GET Married:
1) Fear of Being Lonely and/or liking the idea of 'being' married
2) Family and Society Pressures to GET married
3) Accidental pregnancy or because you want a baby
4) Marrying for money, property, support 
5) Security ~ financial, social, emotional, career
6) Marriage out of pity for the one you've been dating (or yourself)
7) To fill a void in your life / avoid family troubles
8) Marriage for Visa or Citizenship
9) Sexual hunger / lust
10) Because you are 'in love' and think you should get married
11) Marriage because of blackmail (financial / emotional)
12) Because of the wealth or family status of the person

Top Reasons NOT to STAY Married:
1) Staying Married for Children

2) Staying Married for Financial Security: Money is a great motivator when it comes to staying in miserable marriages.Mostly Woman tends to stay in such marriages because of the comforts and perks they get in the husbands house. The same applies for a man who survives mostly on his wife's income. But one thing they forget is that no amount of money can buy love or happiness. Staying together for money is one of the stupidest things anyone can do!

3) Staying Married because of Guilt: Many men and women stay in marriages because they feel guilty that they have ruined the other person's life, especially in love marriages. Even if they have fallen out of love with their spouse or fallen in love with someone else they prefer not to let their spouse know about it by staying married. What they forget is that they are being unfaithful and only troubling themselves and not doing their spouses any favors by keeping them in a relationship with someone who doesn't love them anymore.

4) Staying Married to prove that their choice was right
5) Staying Married to Honor the Vows
6) Staying Married because of low self esteem and loneliness

7) Been forced to stay together: Many times couples are forced to stay together in marriage because of society pressures and pressures of family or relatives who are worried about their reputation than the feelings of the couples who are miserable and suffering the effects of an unhappy marriage. Remember that you are the one who is suffering and you have the right to rectify the condition.

9) Staying Married for Property or Assets: Many times, the couple would have build together houses, purchased property or build business together which they are both attached to and would not want to give up for any reason.

10) Staying Married is less expensive: Some Men feel that staying married is less expensive than getting a Divorce especially if they have to shell out huge alimony settlement for opting out.

The irony is that both lists are VERY SIMILAR! 

My conclusion: if I'm not marrying because I love my partner unconditionally, unselfishly, 100% completely with ALL of my HEART, Body and Soul ... then I shouldn't consider marriage as an option for me ...hhhhmmm ... a bit sobering on this 'day of love' ...