And the greatest of these is Love ...

And the greatest of these is Love ...
1 Corinthians 13:13

Love Song - Third Day

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year, 2012!


It is my wish for each of you that 2012 will be 
all that you hope for it to be
 ~ including love, laughter, joy, happiness,
 peace, health, prosperity 
and just enough insanity and "life"
 to keep you humble and grounded! 
For the tears we've shed 
through heartbreak and/or happiness,
 I toast each of you with a heart full of love
 ~ looking forward to making
 as many mistakes next year
 as I made this year 
with as few regrets as I have right now!!! 
To unconventional thinking, 
listening with your heart and not your brain, 
and living life your way, regardless of what others think! 
And, most important...
loving & forgiving unconditionally and completely, 
everyday, like it's your last one because it could be!!! 


"Cheers to a New Year
 and another chance for us to get it right."
 ~ Oprah Winfrey